“The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own.”
– Benjamin Disraeli, British Prime Minister
Why Youth Development?
- Builds self esteem
- Engages, inspires, and motivates young people
- Empowers youth to make positive actions, decreasing risky behaviors
- Prepares young people for the future by connecting aspirations with inspiration.
- Provides multiple pathways for achievement; experiential learning, internships, safe spaces to learn from failure.
What is Service Learning?
Service-learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with learning objectives, critical thinking skills and reflection to enrich the learning experience, foster civic responsibility, and strengthen communities.
Service Learning Steps:
Reflection, collaboration, and youth voice are constant from the inception of the project to completion and are woven into every step of a high-quality service learning project:
- Investigation
- Preparation/ Planning/ Partnering
- Action
- Reflection Pre /During /Post
- Demonstration / Evaluation / Celebration
How :
Through service-learning, civic engagement, youth philanthropy, and youth media, Montana Education Partnership works with partners to create opportunities for young people to make a real difference in the world co-creating systems and structures needed for future generations to be valued, visible, and vocal members of their communities.